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Myofascial Release Therapy

Aliyah Myofascial Release is the release of connective tissue around muscle fibre. Through very effective hands-on techniques, the Aliyah Massage Therapist provides sustained pressure into myofascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This allows the connective tissue fibers to reorganize themselves in a more flexible and functional fashion.Fascia is a very densely woven covering that connects every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein as well as all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The most interesting aspect of the Fascial System is that it is, in fact, one structure that exists from head to foot without interruption. It has the appearance of a spider web. In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia (connective tissue of the body), like the yarn in a sweater.Fascial restrictions, caused by improper posture, overuse, injury, and scar tissue, exert excessive pressure producing pain and restricting motion and proper function of the body. It affects our flexibility and stability, and is a large determining factor in our ability to withstand stress and strain.

The human body is a phenomenal machine. It is built for lasting movement as well as an amazing capacity for compensation and adaptation. Take a look at yourself and others and notice the different ways in which people hold and use our bodies. Compensation can be achieved largely through the fascial, or connective tissue, network.

To reiterate, fascia is found everywhere in our bodies. In fact, our body is composed primarily of water and fascia. All of our bones, muscles and organs are wrapped in fascia. The myriad of functions our fascia performs includes the definitions of all structures in their shape.  cushions structures from shock, and helps to transmit forces throughout the body when we move. 

Myofascial Release Therapy

Let us now try an Experiment with our fascia. This will help gain a better understanding of its importance in daily movements.
Please stand up.
As you stand tall, raise your hands over your head directly in front of you. Appreciate how high and far behind your head your arms can reach.
Now, let’s shorten the fascia in the front of your body by caving in your chest and rounding out the mid back. Holding this posture, raise your hands over head like before.
Notice a difference?
With the shortened fascia in front, your arms were probably unable to reach as high. This movement was undoubtedly more challenging at the top.
Now, imagine holding that posture for a long time.
You can most probably notice see how it would start to affect your function.

Myofascial Release is the release of connective tissue around muscle fibre. Through very effective hands-on techniques, the Aliyah Massage Therapist provides sustained gradual pressure into myofascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. These restrictions may be due to a gradual change in posture which will cause the fascia to adapt by slowly shortening and lengthening in certain areas leading to sustained bad posture. They may also be due to lack of hydration, scars/adhesions from injury, surgery, etc.These fascial restrictions can significantly reduce range of motion which will lead to compensations. Over time, these changes will lead compression of tissues and circulation (vascular/neurological) resulting in pain and dysfunction. The end result is that our flexibility and stability become impaired, as does our ability to withstand stress and strain.

By engaging these fascial restrictions, your Aliyah Massage Therapist will guide your fascia through an unwinding process to reorganize the connective tissue fibres, thus allowing a more flexible and functional global tissue network.


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