Osteoarthritis will affect many people in the course of their lives. Aliyah Massage Therapy Helps Relieve Osteoarthritis Pain Several published studies have indicated that massage therapy helps relieve osteoarthritis pain. 1. Better posture. Massage Therapy to realign posture will reduce unequal weight distribution throughout the body, which the joints usually receive with unhealthy posture. Joints properly stacked vis-à-vis each other will witness a healthy distribution of body weight and ground reactive force. This will reduce the weight burden load upon each joint. 2. Joint flexibility. Friction strokes will positively impact joint structures by aiding in the removal of collagenous tissue bound within joint structures. Collagen settles in areas of injury to patch these sites. These patchwork scars contribute to the lack of mobility and stiffness felt by people with osteoarthritis. Proper range of motion can be restored with massage therapy techniques. 3. Pain management. Regular Massage Therapy reduces pain by directly impacting nerves. Because joint structures have many nerve endings located within and around the local regions, osteoarthritis pain can be managed greatly with massage therapy. 4. Decreased swelling. Lymphatic Drainage incorporated within the massage treatment to push extracellular fluid proximally upon a limb can greatly reduce swelling of an affected joint structure. This benefit augments the prior benefits mentioned and may expedite the body’s healing processes. 5. Movement re-education. As the massage client begins to experience proper joint mobility, the nervous system will begin re-educating itself via proprioceptive activity. Efficient movement patterns can be restored compared to pre-osteoarthritis patterns. These benefits of massage therapy will greatly aid the osteoarthritic patient and slow the progression of this condition. Information presented is never intended to replace advice from a medical professional. More facts about osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This condition is typically non-inflammatory and usually affects weight-bearing joints such as the hands, knees, hips and spine. This condition breaks down the articular (hyaline) cartilage at the ends of bones.
Healthy cartilage acts as a substance to allow bones to glide against each other smoothly in pain-free motion. This cartilage appears pink and smooth on cadavers, however it appears chipped away and rough where arthritis has presented. When this cartilage wears away, bone surfaces will grind against each other with movement, thereby causing intense pain, swelling and reduced motion in joints. Other signs and symptoms include the development of bone spurs, point tenderness and stiffness of affected joints.
Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease, meaning it gradually worsens over time. Risk factors to consider with the progression of this condition include prior joint injury, body weight, occupational and recreational demands, genetics, bone malformations and concurrent diseases.
Aliyah Massage Therapists are armed to help ease your pain and stiffness as you navigate through the circulation of life. Call us to book your treatment – 514-448-1484 – www.aliyahmassage.com